Brand guidelines
In this section, you will find guidelines for the right application of all the visual elements that make up Opyn's brand identity.
Please refer to the guidance contained here and in the other sections that follow to properly develop any type of application.
Logo formats
Caribbean Green
Pantone 3385 C
RGB 71 215 172
CMYK 55 0 45 0
RGB 255 255 255
HEX ffffff
CMYK 0 0 0 0
RGB 0 0 0
HEX 000000
CMYK 0 0 0 100
Opyn's institutional font is the Geomanist and should be used whenever possible,
in all institutional and communication applications.
This typeface is available in 8 different weights: Ultra, Bold, SemiBold, Medium, Regular, Light, Extralight and Thin.
Arial is used in all those cases where it is not possible to use the main font Geomanist.